"Citizens of the world let's unite - International Federation"
Three primary, global goals
The social promotion association, "Citizens of the world, let’s unite - International Federation", bases its initiatives for a better world on the solid premise that universal cultural, social, ecological, economic, and democratic progress in the world can only be pursued by extending the active and united participation of all men and women of the world. This dynamic and progressive participation is possible only if the subjects are equipped with three indispensable tools: solid ethical training and critical culture, economic independence, health.
Therefore, the social promotion association "Citizens of the world let’s unite - International Federation" will focus all its energies on these three primary global objectives:
1. As regards ethical training and critical culture, the movement will promote the preparation of specific school lessons for video projectors starting from elementary school. These lessons will be prepared by a team of professionals and then translated and adapted for all populations in the world and, in particular, made available to the most depressed areas from education. Along with the lessons, where required, will be provided the tools deemed necessary for the implementation of school teaching: the screen for projections, the projector with the relative loudspeakers, the silenced generator for the electric current, the mountable tent for the creation of temporary classrooms. Where necessary, teaching and auxiliary staff will be financed or co-financed.
2. For economic independence, the movement will promote the creation of global microcredit networks, particularly in the most depressed areas, also resorting to the collaboration of all world and local associations and institutions dedicated to supporting the economic progress of disadvantaged areas and categories.
3. As regards health, as a condition of the women and men of the world for an active participation in the creation of a better world for all, the movement undertakes to promote the realization of a world center for research and production of medicines and vaccines without trademark registration and available to all humanity.
Confucius - I hear and forget, see and remember, do and understand
Greetings to all
Giuseppe Nunziato Belcastro - Citizens of the world let’s unite