"Citizens of the world let's unite - International Federation"
"Citizens of the world let's unite - International Federation" is an association founded on the universal values of equality, justice, freedom, fraternity, open to the free and equal participation of women and men from all over the world, animated by the will to cooperate for world progress. The Movement recognizes itself in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.
Art. 1
"Citizens of the world let’s unite - International Federation" is an autonomous and pluralist association for social promotion under Law 383/2000, which pursues the following purposes:
I. Respect and care for the Community of Life:
1. Respect the Earth and life in all its diversity.
2. Caring for the community of life with understanding, compassion, and love.
3. Build democratic societies that are participatory, sustainable, and peaceful.
4. Protect Earth's bounty and beauty for present and future generations.
II. Ecological integrity:
5. Protect and restore the integrity of Earth's ecological systems, with particular attention to biological diversity and the natural processes that sustain life.
6. Prevent damage as the best method of environmental protection and, when knowledge is limited, apply a precautionary approach.
7. Adopt models of production, consumption and reproduction that safeguard the regenerative capacities of the Earth, human rights and the well-being of the community.
8. Promote the study of ecological sustainability and promote the open exchange and wide application of acquired knowledge.
III. Social and economic justice:
9. Eradicate poverty as an ethical, social and environmental imperative.
10. Ensure that economic activities and institutions at all levels promote human development in an equitable and sustainable way.
11. Affirm gender equality and equity as prerequisites for sustainable development and ensure universal access to education, health care and economic opportunity.
12. Uphold the right of all, without discrimination, to a natural and social environment favorable to human dignity, physical health and spiritual well-being, with special attention to the rights of indigenous peoples and minorities.
IV. Democracy, nonviolence, and peace:
13. Strengthen democratic institutions at all levels and provide transparency and accountability in governance, inclusive participation in decision-making and access to justice.
14. Integrate the knowledge, values, and skills needed for a sustainable lifestyle into formal education and lifelong learning.
15. Treat all living things with respect and consideration.
16. Promote a culture of tolerance, nonviolence, and peace.
"Citizens of the world let's unite - International Federation" is organized as a national and international federation of associations, clubs, groups, non-profit organizations united by a collective commitment to pursue its aforementioned purposes.
Art. 2
The Association does not pursue profit-making purposes and does not authorize the distribution, even indirect, of profits or surplus income.
The association "Citizens of the world let's unite- International Federation" is based in Marina di Gioiosa Ionica (RC) - Calabria, Italy. It can set up representations and offices in all Italian and foreign locations.
Operational and administrative offices may also be established elsewhere by the resolution of its own board of directors.
The association is established for an indefinite period. The dissolution of the association can be decided only by the shareholders' meeting unanimously. In this case, the association's assets, after deducting the association's current liabilities, will be donated to associations or non profit-making entities with charitable and general interest similar to those of the "United World Citizens" association, by what provided for in Article 111, point 4 quinquies, lett. b) of D.P.R. n. 917/96, proceeding with the appointment of one or more liquidators, preferably choosing them from among the shareholders.
TITLE II - the associative form
Art. 3
"Citizens of the world let's unite- International Federation" associates individual citizens, clubs, associations, entities that intend to contribute to the achievement of the pre-established social goals and that recognize and accept this statute. The adhesion of collective members to "Citizens of the world let's unite - International Federation" does not change their juridical physiognomy or affect their administrative autonomy. The number of members is unlimited and anyone who recognizes himself in this statute can join "Citizens of the world united" regardless of their ethnic, political, religious affiliation, of their own nationality or sexual identity.
The adhesion of a member association is deliberated by the assembly of the members of the same association; the acceptance is sanctioned by the executive body of the Territorial Committee.
Their adherence is subject to the existence in the statute of those mandatory rules or principles which are the ethical and legal basis of "Citizens of the world let’s unite - International Federation", such as the absence of profit; the principles of democracy, participation, and collegiality; administrative transparency; the ownership of substantial rights for all members.
Art. 4
Associates have the right to:
- contribute to the development of the program and participate in all the activities promoted by the Association;
- approve the budget and the economic and financial report, or the final balance, of the various contracts of the Association;
- elect the management, guarantee and control bodies and be elected in them.
Associates are required to:
- observe the statute, the regulations, the resolutions of the management bodies;
- pay the membership fee at the deadlines as established by the management bodies;
- delegated the resolution of any internal dispute to the work of the guarantee bodies of the association.
The membership fee represents only a periodic binding payment in support of the association, therefore it does not in any way constitute a title of ownership or participation in proceeds, it is in no case refundable or transferable.
Art. 5
Except for the right of withdrawal, the forfeiture of members and member associations occurs:
- in the event of the member's death or the dissolution of the association;
- for failure to renew the membership fee or the payment of the membership fee;
- for reasoned refusal of the renewal of the social card or of the adhesion by the management bodies in charge of this task;
- by the declaration of expulsion which has become definitive.
Art. 6
The organizational structure of "Citizens of the world let’s unite - International Federation" in Italy is divided into three levels: a) the Territorial Committees; b) the Regional Committees; c) the National Committee. Each organizational level has its own legal, administrative and patrimonial autonomy, as does each collective member. All the instances: territorial committees, regional committees, and cooperative members are in charge exclusively with their funds for the obligations contracted directly.
Art. 7
The Territorial Committee, usually of a provincial nature, is constituted as the main level of coordination and political and organizational synthesis of the association in the territory; enhances the associative settlement, equipping itself with the appropriate operational structures, and promotes the establishment of new associative bases.
Represents the association towards local authorities, institutions, and social organizations present in its territorial area.
By the functions of national articulation, it assumes the relative responsibilities of direction and control towards the individual and collective members; in particular, regarding the member associations, the territorial committee verifies compliance with the statutory principles and the correct management and conduct of the associative life.
In the event of serious violations of the statutory principles and/or conditions above regulations in force, or of behavior damaging to the image and role of the association by a member association, the Territorial Committee may, following unsuccessful attempts to restore legitimacy, request the President of said association to call an extraordinary assembly. In the face of a persistent refusal and the persistence of the aforementioned conditions, the President of the territorial committee can proceed directly to gathering the assembly, informing the Board of Guarantors and the higher organizational level.
The activities promoted by a Committee usually take place in the territory of its competence. The possibility of operating in different territorial areas is subject to the agreement with the competent Committees for those territories. Each Committee also has the task of verifying that the member associations and, as far as possible, any subjects it participates in comply with this behavior.
Any aspiring members who intend to associate directly with the Committee by participating in activities, initiatives, campaigns, etc., must be guaranteed, with appropriate forms and procedures, access to participation and democratic rights that are the patrimony of all members, by the institutional principles of the Association and harmony with current legislation. The regulation of these forms and procedures is delegated to the individual Committees based on their peculiar characteristics and specificities.
Art. 8
The organs of the Territorial Committee are a) The Territorial Congress, b) the Steering Committee, c) the President.
The Territorial Congress usually takes place every three years and is prepared by the primary assemblies governed by the rules established by the regulations. The delegates elected by the associative bases participate with the right to vote in the Territorial Congress. Each delegateassociation's territory has the right to one vote, and there are no proxies. The Territorial Congress is convened by the Steering Committee and deliberates on the topics for which the call has been requested. The territorial Congress elects the territorial Steering Committee and the delegates to the regional or national congress.
The territorial Steering Committee is the highest management and organization body on the association's territory. The territorial Steering Committee elects the President, the secretary, and the treasurer.
The territorial President exercises the direction of the association and represents it in court and towards third parties.
Art. 9
The Regional Committee carries out the promotion and coordination of the association in its region and expresses all the territorial committees. The Territorial Committee works to promote the social, cultural, and civil growth of its members and the entire local community by implementing socio-cultural activities. The Regional Committee establishes collaborative relationships with other public or private bodies and associative, cultural, political, economic, and institutional experiences. It manages the membership at the regional level in connection with the territorial committees. It provides cultural assistance and services to its members, including administrative and consultancy services.
Art. 10
The bodies of the Regional Committee are a) The Regional Congress, b) the Steering Committee, c) the President.
The Regional Congress usually takes place every three years and is governed by the rules established by the national regulation. The delegates elected by the territorial committees participate with the right to vote in the Regional Congress. Each delegate has the right to one vote, and there are no proxies. The Regional Congress is convened by the Regional Steering Committee and decides on the topics for which the call has been requested. The Regional Congress elects the Regional Steering Committee and the delegates to the National Congress.
The Regional Steering Committee is the association's highest management and organization body at the regional level. The Regional Steering Committee elects the President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.
The Regional President exercises the direction of the association and represents it in court and towards third parties.
Art. 11
The organs of the national association are the National Congress, the National Council, the national leadership, and the president.
Art. 12
The National Congress has the task of defining the general guidelines and program of the association, of electing the National Council and the College of auditors and guarantors. The National Congress usually takes place every three years and is prepared by the territorial and regional congress assemblies according to the rules established by the National Direction. It can be convened on an extraordinary basis upon a justified request by 1/3 of the regional or territorial committees representing at least 1/3 of the members.
Art. 13
The National Council is the highest governing body of the association between one congress and another. The National Council can co-opt new members in the maximum proportion of 1/4 in increase and 1/4 in replacement.
The National Council is the seat of discussion, proposals, and decisions and a body capable of approving the final and budgetary budget and electing the National Directorate, the National President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, and the National Treasurer. The National Council is convened by the National President; the relevant Council is the body that calls the National Congress.
The National Council is also given the faculty to intervene on the appropriate articles of the statute to implement mandatory obligations deriving from interfering laws.
The National Council meets at least three times a year; it can also be called upon a reasoned request from at least one-third of the members.
Art. 14
The National Direction organizes and directs the activities of the Association. It is chaired by the National President and has the task of preparing and developing the implementation methods of the program policies. The National Directorate prepares the budget proposal and draws up the final balance, appoints the heads of the departments, and decides on the establishment of work commissions, consortia, and, production and service companies. It can nominate and elect a secretariat to support the President in managing the association. The Management guarantees the functionality of the national services and of the central office. The management can promote sector coordination with promotion tasks towards specific fields of the association, and set up study and consultancy centers for members. The Management is convened by the President or by the majority of the members. Management's resolutions are taken by majority vote.
Art. 15
The National President is elected by Congress according to criteria established there.
The National President represents and expresses the unity of the Association and exercises its political and organizational coordination. He convenes and chairs the National Council; convenes and presides over the National Presidency, which is elected by the Council on its proposal;
The President represents the association in court and towards third parties. He represents the association for all matters of both ordinary and extraordinary administration, uses the corporate signature, and is authorized to collect from public administrations and private individuals, issuing a release receipt and granting special powers of attorney for the fulfillment of individual acts. The President - or his delegate - is authorized to enter into credit, advance, and discount contracts with any credit institution, post office, or bank, enter into current account agreements, open bank accounts and carry out any other functional financial and banking operation. To the association, including the bank credit line. In execution of a specific resolution of the National Directorate, the president may purchase, exchange, sell movable and immovable property. In case of impediment, the duties are assigned to the Vice President.
Art. 16
The College of Guarantors is a statutory, regulatory and internal jurisdictional guarantee body; he is present in every organizational level of the Association and is elected in the respective Congresses; it has the task of:
● interpret the statutory and regulatory provisions and provide opinions to the management bodies on their correct application;
● issue opinions on the legitimacy of deeds, documents, and resolutions of the management bodies;
● verify compliance with the statutes of the committees;
● to settle disputes arising between shareholders, between them and the management bodies by imposing, where appropriate, the penalties provided for;
● resolve disputes and any conflicts of competencies and powers between the management bodies.
The initiative of the college of guarantors is undertaken following a request or appeal by a party or on its own initiative. The College of Guarantors must notify all the parties involved within 15 days. from the request, and in any case at the same time as the investigation begins. The decisions taken are immediately enforceable except in the case of an appeal, as provided for by the specific Regulations.
In the case of disputes between management bodies, the area of jurisdiction of the college of guarantors relates to the issues or disputesconflic that arise in the immediately subordinate organizational level.
The National College of Guarantors is made up of three influential members; the members are elected from among the members who have acquired effective and proven specific experience in the associative field and/or are equipped with adequate competence in the legal field, which are not part of management bodies of the same level: they elect a President from among them.
In addition to acting within its own sphere of competence, the National College of Guarantors also assumes the functions of an appeal body in the judgments made by the colleges of guarantors of the subordinate levels.
The members of the National College of Guarantors have the right to participate in the meetings of the National Council.
In compliance with institutional obligations and democratic rules, the national college of guarantors is activated independently and obligatorily by producing a periodic report to the National Council
Art. 17
Each national management body must provide within four months of taking office, under penalty of forfeiture, to adopt a specific regulation that determines the operating methods of the management body itself and, in particular, the rules for denial of its members.
The vote is personal, and proxies are not allowed.
The resolutions of the organisms, and in any case all the acts of particular importance, must be transmitted or made accessible to the organism members, and adequate information must be given to the corporate body about them.
In the event of severe violations of the statutory provisions committed by a territorial or regional executive body, the National President, on the proposal of the national college of guarantors, and only in the presence of the urgency requirements of the provision, can order the immediate forfeiture of such bodies and arrange the dispatch of a commissioner with the task of adopting the necessary measures to re-establish the conditions of normal democratic practicability in the shortest possible time.
This decision, however, must be ratified, with a specific resolution, by the first National Council convened.
The patrimony of the association consists of movable and immovable property owned by the same; the surpluses of the annual financial years; disbursements, donations, and bequests; company shareholdings.
Art. 19
The association's funding sources are the annual membership fees; income from the direct management of activities, services, initiatives, and projects; income from the economic management of assets; public and private contributions.
Art. 20
The financial year usually occurs from January 1st to December 31st of the following year. An economic and financial report must be presented to the shareholders' meeting by April 30. Further derogation can be provided in case of proven necessity or impediment. The financial statement must show the costs and income for the period and the financial consistency and the adjustment items that make it possible to determine the competence for the year. The Assembly deliberates the forecast and economic planning of the following social year about the formulation of the general lines of activity of the association. The creation and increase of the reserve fund are envisaged. The use of the reserve fund is bound by the decision of the shareholders' meeting. The residual assets of each year will be devolved in part to the reserve fund, and the remainder will be kept available for initiatives consistent with the purposes referred to in art. two and for new equipment.
Art. 21
For matters not provided for by the statute or internal regulations, the assembly decides in accordance withby the civil code and the laws in force. Any social disputes between Members and between them and the Association or its bodies will be subject, with the exclusion of any other jurisdiction, to the competence of three Arbitrators to be appointed by the Assembly; they will judge ex Bono at aequo without procedural formalities. Their ruling will be final.