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L'European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD)/University for Peace, organizzazione con finalità educative e di ricerca afferente al sistema accademico delle Nazioni Unite, organizza, in cooperazione con la Long Island University (USA), la VAMK University (Finlandia), l'International Center for Local and Regional Development (ICLRD) e il Danubian Center for Cross-Border Cooperation (DCCB) il terzo Forum giovanile annuale che si terrà a Belgrado (SRB) il 25 e 26 ottobre 2015. L'edizione di quest'anno, intitolata "Culture of peace: youth as peacebuilders", discuterà in particolare tre temi: pace, sicurezza e prevenzione dei conflitti; conoscenze e competenze per il peacebuilding; giovani, attori di oggi, leader di pace di domani. Per partecipare: - III YOUTH FORUM - CULTURE OF PEACE: YOUTH AS PEACEBUILDERS - 2015 We are pleased to inform you that the European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD) University for Peace established by the United Nations, an international educational and research institution with its Headquarters in Belgrade is organizing, in cooperation with the International Center for Local and Regional Development (ICLRD), Danubian Center for Cross-Border Cooperation (DCCB) and VAMK University, Finland, III YOUTH FORUM CULTURE OF PEACE: YOUTH AS PEACEBUILDERS -YOUTH’S INNOVATIVE MINDS FOR PEACE AND PROSPERITY- Belgrade, 24-25 October 2015 The European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD) University of Peace established by the United Nations, a unique international educational and research institution in this part of Europe, has been actively involved in the issues of human security, reconciliation and tolerance as preconditions for stable peace and sustainable development in the Balkans for a long period. Namely, in the late 1990s, ECPD launched an important regional educational and research project “The Balkans in the 21st Century“, which resulted in the elaboration of numerous educational programmes and research projects. Within the framework of this project ECPD has been organizing for eleven years the Standing International Conference on Reconciliation, Tolerance and Human Security in the Balkans. Every year in the last week of October, distinguished politicians, diplomats and professors meet in one of the Balkan countries to discuss different ideas that may contribute to building peace and stability in this volatile part of Europe. In order to improve effectiveness and efficiency of building peace through reconciliation and tolerance in the Balkan region through the attitudes and energy of young people, the ECPD Youth Forum was established in 2013, with the aim to raise awareness of the young people of the importance of post-conflict reconciliation and tolerance for building peace and sustainable development in the Balkans. I Youth Forum held under the title “Youth for Maintaining Peace: The Role of Knowledge” (2013) and II Youth Forum “New Generation for EU Enlargement” (2014) were very successful and fulfilled their purpose and main goal: raising awareness and fostering unique power of youth in peacebuilding and their potential as peace builders. In accordance with the recommendations that were made in II Youth Forum, the ECPD Academic Council decided that III Youth Forum needs to focus on conflict prevention, conflict resolution and maintenance of peace, with the accent on the knowledge and skills that will contribute to understanding, tolerance and long-term peace among all countries and nations. Youth needs to be supported as builders of peace and democracy, and their potential and power have to be developed in order to sustain a process of change. The main purpose of the III ECPD Youth Forum entitled “CULTURE OF PEACE: YOUTH AS PEACEBUILDERS” is to equip young people with new knowledge, information and skills required for peacebuilding as well as for conflict prevention, and to improve individual’s ability to resolve conflict and interact peacefully with others. Profile of the participants: - Preferable age between 20 and 35 - The applicants should have ability to speak and understand English - Postgraduate students and young professionals specialised in one of the following fields: peace and conflict resolution, political science and diplomacy, culture and media, economics and tourism, cross-border cooperation. - Young activists from NGOs dealing with issues in one of the following fields: peace and conflict resolution, political science and diplomacy, culture and media, economics and tourism, cross-border cooperation. III Youth Forum “CULTURE OF PEACE: YOUTH AS PEACEBUILDERS” will focus on the following main topics for discussions: 1) BUILDING A CULTURE OF PEACE FOR CONFLICT PREVENTION • Social inclusion, social transformation and social innovation for conflict prevention • Building a Culture of Peace through education and youth empowerment • Mediation as on-the-ground preventive diplomacy and a component of the conflict prevention • Development of youth’s mental capital for peace and the long-term effects of mental capital investments • Religion as pretext for conflict or an important and powerful tool for preventing violence • Unemployment and under-employment as a cause of social tension • The concepts of risk and protection of youth violence as integral part of public health • The issue of violence in media / Media responsibility in spreading and/or stopping hate speech • Modern communication technology and its social implications to conflicts 2) PEACEBUILDING KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES AND SKILLS • Handling conflict through negotiation, mediation and facilitation • Fostering dialogue for building peace • Transformative role of youth in violent, as well as in non-violent conflicts • Tolerance and Confidence building between people and communities • Intercultural competences – learning to live together in peace • Gender’s sensitivity and vulnerability in conflict zones • Promotion and practice of non-violence through education, dialogue and cooperation • Youth’s role and their influence through social media in conflict situations • Youth’s innovative mindset as the biggest opportunity for peace in peacebuilding process 3) YOUTH – ACTORS OF TODAY, PEACE LEADERS OF TOMORROW • Youth as agents of positive social change • Youth networks for maintaining peace • Building a Culture of Peace through education and youth empowerment • Empowering youth to be creative and responsible global citizens • Inclusive development and intercultural dialogue for rapprochement of cultures • Media development and universal access to information and knowledge for maintaining peace • Mass media as an important factor in establishing interethnic and religious tolerance, understanding and cooperation • Sustainable development and peacebuilding: From short-term crisis response to long-term benefit and growth • Corporate Peace – importance of the incorporation of peace and reduction of violence into a company’s strategy, decision making and value chain Workshop themes: 1) Skills for conflict prevention 2) Skills for conflict resolution and reconciliation 3) Skills and knowledge for maintaining peace We would like to invite you to attend this very important international event that should bring together young people from different parts of the world and different cultures. To apply for participation in III Youth Forum, please fill in the registration form and send it back by July 31, 2015 to the following e-mail address: or We warmly welcome the youth from all over the world to participate this event. INVITATION LETTER - III YOUTH FORUM 2015 REGISTRATION FORM (.pdf) (.doc)