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Active solidarity with Afghan women oppressed by the ferocious phallocrat Taliban regime.


Active solidarity with Afghan women oppressed by the ferocious phallocrat Taliban regime.

We women and men, inhabitants of this tiny planet,  we women and men working in the worldwide movement "Citizens of the world let’s unite", every day within us resound the echoes of the torments, of the sufferings, of the brutal deaths, inflicted everywhere on earth to millions of our sisters and brothers, and all this for the criminal lust for possession and power of the few over the many-

We "citizens of the world let’s unite" do not intend to use up our days as helpless spectators and denouncers of all these atrocities, suffering, and deaths. Every day is vigorously stirred inside us the cry "WHAT TO DO?", a cry that pushes us to organize our solidarity and then to effective action.

A fundamental starting point is the awareness that to counter and overcome the domination and exploitation of the few over the many, the many must unite and act in sharing the same ideals and objectives for a society of equality, fraternity, and freedom for all, women and men alike.

We "citizens of the world let’s unite" know that international and local organizations and associations have been active in the world for some time, promoting a vision and an action of aggregation at various levels, and all with a vision of solidarity without boundaries of gender and territories.

We intend to characterize our presence and action in contributing to the strengthening of this worldwide network of activism for a better world, encouraging ever closer collaboration between all the operators of the earth to promote a highly humanistic and critical culture for all women, and the men of the world, with particular attention to the less educated masses. Without cultural tools and ideal visions, women and men can never be active implementers of their emancipation and the building of a better world.

Today we want to focus on the condition of criminal subjugation of Afghan women to phallocratic and dictatorial domination and slavery of women that the Taliban justify and ruthlessly implement based on their partisan interpretation of the Koran.

The Taliban took control of Afghanistan in August 2021 and have since violated the rights of women and girls to education, work, and freedom of movement, denying any system of protection and support for women fleeing domestic violence, arrest women and girls for minor infringements of discriminatory rules, and they are indifferent to the increase in child, early, and forced marriages. There are constant reports of arrests, imprisonments, torture, and forced disappearances of women who took part in the protests against the oppressive rules of the Taliban.

Faced with this dramatic situation of Afghan women, we always ask ourselves: "WHAT TO DO?"

We know of the presence and action of international organizations that fight for human rights (United Nations, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch), and we know of the presence and positive action of non-governmental associations, especially of women "for women". A concrete action that we propose is to spread the knowledge of these associations of women "for women" so that women and men of goodwill can contribute, at least with personal financial help, to support the life and action of these associations.

Here we present a list of women's associations "for women" that we can support with our contribution.

Planet earth, October 16, 2022.

Giuseppe Nunziato Belcastro – President - Citizens of the World Let's Unite - MedAmbiente

List of non-governmental organizations and associations for solidarity projects for Afghan women
